Thursday, July 9, 2009

Shanghai = Bladerunner.

There is limited blogging, Facebook, Twitter, and social networking in China . Therefore, Tony is (hopefully) posting this for me.

Much as I try not to describe the flight to the holiday, as if it were part of the holiday, as if I am a bogan character from The Castle; something remarkable did happen in the plane. It was not the films: Antwon (whatever his surname is); really ordinary, Men of Honour; less than ordinary and Sunshine Cleaning (cute but still not extraordinary); nor was it the lovely Finnish rye bread nor the towering mass of aryian humanity that each Finnish person represents.

The amazing part of the flight was the end part. We we told, ordered actually to stay in our seats for the mandatory individual temperature taking. Two teams of Chinese infection contol police aboarded. They were wearing surgical disposible boots, white disposable jumpsuits (hoods pulled up), a masks (of course), and armed with a forehead scanners and thermomoters. They took the temperature of each and every passenger by scanning our foreheads. It was very "Minority Report". Even I was too stunned to take a photograph.

Shanghai is too much to process. It’s modern and ancient. Or as Tony so succintly puts it: Shanghai = Bladerunner.

The one thing I do have to report is that we are a slumming it, (insert sarcasm here). The hotel is plush: bathrobes, slippers, swimming pools, massages, a Japanese bath house, steam, sauna, wood panelling and a whole tray of bathroom products.

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