Wednesday, January 3, 2007


At the Museum of Natural History they have an explanation for head butting dinosaurs. It is not a very good explanation, but I will remember it when I am teaching Year 10 boys in future. The displays on anthropology and stuff on human evolution were good, but I am still wondering about how far we have come, especially seeing as Ben and Charles headbutted each other repeatedly while waiting for the elevator last night.
The giant American native totem poles were impressive and the famous whale room (as featured in the new Ben Stiller movie Night at the Museum) was great. It is such a simple and valid idea for a movie, because there is not a person who walks through the museum, sees the enormous dinosaurs and does not imagine what it would be like if they were alive.
Most of the displays are too big or too dark to photograph with a crappy little digital, but I got a shot of Charles next to one of the Easter Island heads. It gives some sense of scale, but this is nothing compared to the huge earthshaking monsters that we saw.
We both liked the shrunken heads in a ghoulish kind of way, and I was taken with some of the African knitted people: whole life-sized knitted people with one or two features exagerated ie a giant belly-button.

I could not resist one more photograph of the little sculptures at the 14th street station. This guy is hanging on to a railing on the underside of some stairs. I think everybody has had a moment like this.
And, because I am discussing evolution and the occasional lack of it; I have included a photograph of the rubbish outside our apartment. Admittedly it is rubbish collection day, so it is all out there, but it seems to take them two days to get rid of it all. The guys in the photograph are just taking the recyclables, the trash will linger so as to give the rats a fair chance to get a feed.

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