Thursday, December 28, 2006

Begging and the right to free speech

Some folks have told me that they are having trouble signing in to make comments.
You can email me if you want at But apparently if you persist, it is possible work through the how to comment registration procedure.
On the subway:
Some guys just come along and tell a sad story, hold out a paper cup and ask for money. Others sing a-capella style; usually a cheery number. There are also whole bands that spring up guitars and all. Today two hispanic blokes sang one of those quick tempo songs in two part harmony. They have to be quick and organised because the aim is to get on a carriage, sing a song, collect the coins and move to the next carriage at the next stop. America has a one dollar bill, then lots of coins, right down to 1 cent, so it is easy enough to handover change. I do this when I can get to my wallet easily enough.The guys in the photograph were singing on the platform, so maybe they had permission.
But these are not the most tragic stories of the subway. The most tragic stories have nothing quirky or inventive or enterprising or entertaining or musical about them.
And I need to remind myself that Manhattan has cleaned itself up and moved the real poverty off the island.
Officially begging or panhandling is illegal on the trains.
Begging was defended as part of the right to free expression, after all it is a part of speech, and if free speech is meant to be constitutionally enshrined, then it should be protected. Funnily enough, the Metropolitian Transit Authroity did not see it that way.


georgie said...

hey Greta!
It's me and mum here and we thought we'd just say hi. We love reading about all your goings on and we hope you're having a great time (it sounds like you are!).
To leave a comment I had to sign up to a google account which wasn't too hard, it only took a couple of minutes.
And pics are cool, it gives a bit of a feel for new york!
Have a good one,
Love Georgie and Rose

georgie said...

Hi Greta,
It's Rose here. Have just finished reading about all your adventures. This blog is a great idea - it really does let me see New York through your eyes.
Can't get over people putting their dogs in cages all day whilst they work - seems cruel.
How is Charles enjoying it all?
Waiting for your next update.

Cheers Rose