Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Washington Square

Washington Square has

  • a huge European style arch
  • the house where the book "Washington Square" is set
  • the house owned by Henry James
  • the house where Louisa May Alcott wrote "Little Women"
  • the house where Edith Wharton lived
  • and the place where Dylan Thomas drank himself to death.

Washington Square also has

  • broke black men who will pay speed chess with anyone who passes (and beat them) for a few bucks. (If you have seen the movie Fresh with Samuel Jackson you will know what I am talking about.)
  • the hanging elm

And now for the stupid Australian idiot part of the story...
I did not read the guide book very carefully prior to taking myself on this literary walk of New York. I thought that the hanging elm must be some kind of special tree like a weeping willow, a tree that has hanging branches.
It was indeed a special tree but it was not the branches that were hanging. It was people who were hung from the tree.


Andrew Georgiou said...

Hi Greta, This is my third try at sending you a comment. I have registered myself and activated my account, so hopefully you will get this message. It's Andrew (from Sydney). Enjoying reading about New York. Say Hi to Naoli and Charles. Look forward to reading about your adventures. Andrew

Ethel said...

Dear Greta
it's New Year's Eve and i thought I'd send you a hello and wish you a Happy New Year - missing you back here. Your New York trip sounds jam packed; and I'm amazed that it's so warm at this time of year - wish I was taking in the sights with you. Don't forget the Tennament Museum.