Thursday, January 3, 2008

Chichen Itza

The place it beautiful, but not as big as I imagined. Our guide was very old, (80 in fact) could not really hear and was incapable of answering a single one of our questions. He told us everything several times. Things like ¨just stand here now¨,or ¨do not lose your ticket¨ not interesting things like how the sport with the high rings on the wall was played. The guide´s main aim seemed to be to get from one bathroom to the next. We guessed prostrate problems, the more generous on the tour suggested that he was used to tourists with upset stomachs, either way he showed us all the toilets on the way and in the ruins.

Amyway, we read the guidebook, and listened in on other tour guides a bit. I hate to admit it, but the Mel Gibson film Apocalypto, really does well with the setting and the story. There were special places for the chopping off of heads, the storage of bones etc. The main pyramid is seriously impressive, and it was wondrous.

The tourists were everywhere and the Mexican hawkers line every path. I can´t blame anyone for that, but it did take away from the ambiance.

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