Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Little boxes on the hillside

Only old people will recall the 'little boxes' song but that is what Taxco is like. Charles, Josh and I (reunited in Mexico City) took a day trip out to Taxco. (Tony stayed in bed being sick.) It was a great trip to do. The town really reminded me of the Amalfi coast in Italy, but that point of reference only works if you have been to the Amalfi coast in Italy.

We walked up the hill to a beautiful pale pink church, were once again amazed and annoyed at the oppulance and gold installed on the internal walls and ceilings, then wandered around this maze of a town. Taxco is famous for trading silver, so we looked at silver stuff till we quite got over it. I liked a armadillo bracelet that bit its own tail to do up. Charles liked the little fat mariachis and Josh tried to have some taste.

Having taken so many different types of transport on this trip, I figured we may as well finish up with a cable car ride. It was every bit as panoramic as promised. I managed not to be overwhelmed by vertigo. We saw houses cut into the mountain side with only steps leading up. The question of how they get their groceries etc up was answered when we noticed a sort of basket-pulley system.

It gets dark between about 6.30 and 6.45pm. Our bus pulled out at 7, so when we left the town it was all lit up and glowing - just for us.

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