Wednesday, January 9, 2008


I tell myself that this blog is really just a diary, and that I don't care if people make comments, but I really like it when I get a response or two.

It was all maps and public transport all the way out to Coyacan, fours place to visit and harldy a wrong turn taken. Good on me!

We went to the Trotsky Museum and looked at the bullet holes in the walls and the little guard houses on the corners. It is really a pilgrimage for us. The photos of the couple fishing in Turkey or picnicing on Norway are really beautiful.

At the Frida Kahlo Blue House we read the original letter between Nelson Rockefeller and Diego Rivera, we went strolling though parks and markets, then back on the bus to the Palace of Fine Arts. We decided to finish the excursion with a trip to the mural discussed in the letters. The little reproduction I have stuck in the blog is nothing to go by. It really is one of the greatest pieces of art I have ever seen.


daphney said...

hi greta...well i'm having a holiday vicariously through you...looking forward to hearing the stories in real life...stay safe and well...Daphney

georgie said...

Hi Greta
It's Rose. Sorry that I haven't emailed you earlier but I've only just started reading your blog. Happy 50th birthday Greta & happy 19th Charles.
I agree with Daphney's response, I feel as if I have been on holidays to Cuba & Mexico. I'm even meeting old friends(the bar tender) from last year's travels.
My actual holidays have involved going overseas to Phillip Island(my dad used to tell us that when we passed over the bridge to the island that he was taking us overseas)and having adventures in Inverloch. It all seems quite sedate really.
Looking forward to your next entry.

Cheers Rose.

Some Guy said...

I googled "Man at the Crossroads" and I see what you mean (though I don´t have the awe of being there). I´d love to know the story behind it. At the moment I´m in Berlin, and have seen some interesting murals walking along the path the wall took. (I wasn´t quite expecting this, but ) hooray! we can talk art when we get back.
Simon K