Thursday, December 18, 2008

Hola Espagna

I have impressed myself by getting from Oxford to Hackney to stay the night at Lynne's, then to the London City Airport, to Spain, then to my hotel all on public transport. I need accomplish little more in my life. The cheapest leg of this journey was London City Airport to Madid Airport, yes the flight!

I have done little myself worth reporting and because I doubt you want a blow by blow account of every train interchange that I had to made I will present a summary of the things going on in the world as I know it.
1. Woolworths is closing on 6 January. Every single last store in Britain will shut its doors and tens of thousands of people will be unemployed.
2. Interest rates are extremely low and could get down to zero, but this is not good news.
3. Some people are sick of Nigella Lawson but it is universally agreed that Jamie can cook.
4. Everytime something bad happens to a child it is the fault of a social worker for not being vigilant enough.
5. Football is really important.

I will go and eat tapas, drink wine and be merry now.
Hi to those who have commented.

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